Sh*t, Grit, and Motherwit:

A commentary and reflection upon my life and times in MTC.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

So good so far..

I'll have to admit, I was not looking forward to this week. Yea, I wanted to meet my classmates and the administrators that we'd be dealing with for the next two years, but I did not want to go through all the introductory meetings about the history and the classes. I guess I tend to be a little "immediate gratification" oriented and I wanted to jump right in and make my own mistakes and learn from them... but I also realize that this isn't practical or prudent, and they do the things they do for a reason.
All that being said, I've been pleasantly surprised. First of all, my classmates are great. The cynicism and whining that I've come to expect from the typical college student doesn't exist among them. Granted, it's only been 4 days, but everyone is so eager and enthusiastic, so willing to learn and take in the instruction. Second, the 2nd years and refreshing. It's encouraging to see how excited they are to share their knowledge or (I'll stick with the battlefront analogy) just gain some reinforcments. Although I could tell some of them were exhausted, it seemed like our presence in some way enegrized them, and that in turn energizes me.
Overall, I guess the one thing that I overlooked coming in is the camaraderie that's inevitably going to develop. I've known these people for less than a week but I'm already telling stories and cracking jokes with them like we've been longterm friends. I think a lot of my success will depend on the relationships and bonds I forge during these two months.


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