Sh*t, Grit, and Motherwit:

A commentary and reflection upon my life and times in MTC.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

More Confusion

My school is so disorganized at times. Recently, the administration has been calling the students from certain classes to lunch 15 minutes early every day. That means I have to start cutting my lessons short every day during 2nd block. There's no explanation why it's being done, but I can assume it is an effort to move the lunch line faster so we can have more instructional time (ironic, I know). We are also losing more and more time as state tests approach. In one particular class, I had a student miss five straight class periods (2 weeks straight on our schedule) because she was in "Tutorial." The students in this class are Honors students and very few, if any, were in any real danger of failing the state test, which is considered by far the easiest of the four. I think I created an enemy with the teacher when I wrote a letter to the administrator letting her know that these students were missing my class consistently and not turning in any of their makeup work (the students assumed since they weren't in class, they didn't have to do it). The most recent example is our exam schedule. We were told Friday afternoon after school (when everyone was leaving) that we needed to look over next week's exam schedule. Because district nine week tests are being given, the administration decided to readjust the schedule for the entire week. I consider myself of moderate intelligence, but I have no idea how the hell I am supposed to read this schedule. It's extremely hard to plan for the week when I don't know when, if, or for how long I will see what classes. To compound the problem, each of my classes are at different points in the curriculum. Due to remediation days (yes, we have entire days where the SATP students are in the auditorium for 6 hours doing remediation), basketball playoffs, and one of my personal absences, each of my classes is doing something different, making it very tough to figure out what to do to get them caught up and finished with the information before Spring Break. I guess all I can do is wait it out and count the hours down until Friday.
On a lighter note, I'm so excited about 4th term. I may be completely off-base here, but my understanding is that 4th term consists of sitting with your homeroom for hours on end completing makeup work and crossword puzzles while different students come in and out of tests. I know it sounds like I'm a little too excited about the lack of learning I'm anticipating, but I'm so tired of planning all the time (and the grading that comes with it), that it will be so relaxing just to sit and listen without instructing for a while. I really hope no one bursts my bubble by telling me I've been competetly misinformed, but that's my plan for the next nine weeks. Well, that coupled with the occasionally student-teacher basketball game.... which reminds me, I need to start practicing.


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